Enhanced and tested for years, Our oracle ERP software solution for textile industries provides smooth and perfect use of high standard software that handles each and every aspect from yarn production to delivery. It also provide all documents involved in every step in every module in print and electronic form. 

Smooth Navigation:
Our ERP Software solution boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy for everyone on your team to navigate and utilize its powerful features without a steep learning curve.

Tailored for Textiles:
We understand the unique challenges of the textile industry. Our Oracle ERP is customized to meet the specific needs of your business, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience.

As your business grows, so should your software. Our Oracle ERP software is scalable, allowing you to effortlessly upgrade and adapt to the changing needs of your expanding textile empire.

Streamlined Processes:
From managing raw materials to export, our ERP streamlines every process. Experience increased efficiency, reduced errors, and a smoother workflow that accelerates your business.

Upgrade Option on Oracle APEX:
Looking to take your textile operations to the next level? Explore our upgrade option on Oracle APEX for enhanced capabilities and a more intuitive user experience.
Upgrade Option on Oracle APEX

Enhanced User Experience:
Oracle APEX brings a modern and intuitive interface, enhancing the overall user experience for your team.
Advanced Reporting and Analytics:
Unlock powerful insights into your textile operations with advanced reporting and analytics features available with Oracle APEX.

Effortless Integration:
Seamlessly integrate Oracle APEX with your existing Oracle ERP software solution, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the benefits of the upgrade.

Module wise options in Our Textile ERP

1: Access Management (Module)

Menu Options
Users IP
Menu Builder
New Users and rights
New Database name
Allocation Database Right to Users
New Business Group
New Company Name
Login History
Change Your Password
Users Configuration
Permissions for GL Sub account codes to Users
Backup System
Yarn Issue with Alternate Quality Tolerance
Entries Permissions for Users for Stitching, Cutting
Godown Lists
Retrieving All Stitching Records
Tolerance Description
Attached Agent Name with Agent Codes
Entries Permissions to Users for Stitching, Cutting
List of Processing Bill Changes
General OutWard Gate Pass List
General OutWard Gate Pass (Office)

2: Yarn Purchases / Sales and Issue (Module)

Menu Options
Count Margin For Pending Booking Yarn
Pending Booking Yarn Detail
Pending Booking / Stock / Remain to GO
Color Thread Order Detail
Yarn Purchase Contract
Yarn Receive
Yarn Issue
Yarn Issue Return
Yarn Quality Codes
Yarn Opening Balance Report
Yarn Opening Balance of Khalid Fareed
Blend Codes
Yarn Brand codes
Yarn Purchase Contract Report
Yarn Purchase Contract Report (Party Wise)
Yarn Purchase Report(Quality Wise-Contract Status)
Gate Pass Delivery Outward document
Yarn Gate Pass Delivery outward report
Yarn Purchase Return
Yarn Dispatch Program
Yarn Issued (All Counts)
Yarn Issued (All Parties)
Yarn Purchase (All Parties)
Yarn Purchase (All Counts)
Daily Stock Report Khalid Fareed
Yarn Sales Contract
Yarn Sale
Yarn Sale Return
Conversion Party Ledger Status
Yarn Stock Activity Ledger by User 
Yarn Stock Opening/Purchase and Issue
Yarn Contract Status Purchase Contract Wise
yarn Issue Transfer
Yarn transfer from one godown to other godown
Alltype of Return from Small Estate Godown
Payment Request of Yarn Parties
Fabric Purchase/Converrion
Fabric received as well as Part Payments

3: Fabric Cloth Purchase / Sales and Issue (Module)

Menu Options
All type of Returns
Daily Fabric In/Out Activity Report
Gray Fabric Un Mended Stock List
Gray Fabric K. & P. Purchee Ledger Activity
Detail of Warp Weft for Converts
Fabric In/Out Activity Ledger
Mended Closing Stock P.Purchee
Gain / Loss Parchi
Fabric Contract Status(48)
Fabric Contract Status with (Exp Ref)(49)
Purchase Contract Detail (Contract Range)
Selection for Mended Stock For Process Plane
Dispatch Report Range PO, Fabric Contract
Mending Charges Bill
Loading Charges Bill
Conversion Payment Status
Fabric contract Status w/o (Exp Ref)(52)
Fabric Contract Query
Fabric Contract Print Out
Conversion Contract Print Out
Unmended list for Mending Plan
Thread Color Codes
Permanent Gate Pass
Selection for UnMended Stock For Mended Plane
Grey Fabric Detail Pending Booking
Grey Booking Details Export
Grey Booking Detail with PO detail
Edit Export References
Conversion Parties Payment Summary
NO IN NO OUT Fabric Detail
Transfer List
Mended Stock PO WISE
Mended Stock PO WISE Activity Ledger
Mended Transfers (OLD)
Gain Loss Analysis Report
Air Jet Running Contract Status
Grey Rejection Stock
Daily Grey Incoming With Loom Quality Range
Mended Grey Stock Detail
Pukee Purchee Return to Fab. Pur. Party.
Party Purchase Register
All Return Adjustment Entry
Mended Stock PO WISE with Rate
Mended Closing Stock with Value
Fabric Receive ( Pukee Purchi)
Add Sales Tax Invoice Nos in Conversion Contract
Add Sales Tax Invoice Nos in Yarn Contract
Fabric Quality / Printing / Packing / Quality Plan
Fabric Required against Export Contract
Grey Open Booking Detail 2
Permanent Document(Pukee Purchee) Processing Remarks Updateable
Dispatch Plan Requirement against
Change Fabric Contract Status
Vehicle Codes
Loom Plan
Fabric Contract Status with Exp Ref(GREY)
Fabric receiving and issuance detail
Yarn Remain-Pending-Stock etc
Mended Opening Stock P.Purchee
Fabric Contracte Status for Grey Godown
List of Katotee Berhotee Purchee’s
Skip Constraints on Kuchee Purchee
Conversion contract Status w/o (Exp Ref)(51)
Grey Open Booking Detail
Conversion Contract Status(47)
UnMended Closing Stock P.Purchee
Yarn Quality Codes
Gray Died/Bleach Cloth Types Codes
Cotton and Polyester Mixing Ratio Codes
Loom Quality Codes
Cloth Construction Codes
Made Ups Purchase Contract
Weave Codes
Selvedge Codes
Fabric Cloth Agent Name
Fabric Cloth Contract
Fabric Receive ( Kuchi Purchi)
Fabric Contract Arrivel Status(7)
Excess Fabric Received (Barthoti Puarchi)
Gray Purchase Quality wise
Rejection Status
Conversion Party Status
Fabric Stock Mended
Fabric Stock Un-Mended Detail
Fabric Opening Stock Un-Mended
Fabric Opening Stock Mended
Gray Cloth Outward Gate Pass
Rejection Fabric Outward Gate Pass
Fabric Purchases
Kuchee Purchee Qty Id to Id Adjustment
Quality & Party Wise Arrival
Color Thread Order Detail Report
Local Fabric Sales
Receivable Fabric Balance against Order & Open
Allow Fabric Gate Pass for 786 PO
Fabric Contract Status Due Delivery Date
Export Contract (WOP)
Conversion Payment Status
Ktotee Purchee

4: Export (Module)

Menu Options
Export Invoice
Export Contract List (Country, Contract, Currency)
Export Booked Detail
PO, Exp Party Contract Status
Export Items Processing Categories Group
Export P.O. Status with Invoice
Cost Made Ups 2 (Towel)
Export Invoice print Out
Export Detail Currency Wise
Cost Fabric Sheet (V1)
Cost Made Ups Sheet (V1)
Cost Grey Sheet (V1)
Open fabric Requirement 786 Sale Contract
Export Detail Processed Categorized
Export Detail with dispatched
Export Contract Printout Report
Color Codes
Color Shade Codes
Grey Order Design Codes
Purchase Order Type Codes
Currency Codes
Country Codes
Process Codes
Export Contract (WOP)
Export Contract
Cost Sheet Print Out
P.O’s Agent Report
Export Invoice List
PO Lock Unlock From
Port Destination Codes
Export Items Article Name
Cloth construction codes
AB Export Made Up`s Items Name
Cost Fabric Sheet
Cost Made Up`s Sheet
Cost Fabric Sheet (v3 Last Pervious)
Cost Made Ups Sheet (v3 Last Previous)
Sub Process Codes
Export Contract
Export Parties Detail
PO. Details
Cost Grey Sheet
Color References
Blend Codes
Export Cost sheets Type codes
Export Invoice Costing Pattern
Export PO. Detail for OKT
Cost Sheets for Garments
Stitching SUB-Departments (Account) Items Group
Cost Grey Sheet (v3 Last Previous)
Cost Made Ups 2 (Towel) (v3 Last previous)
Mending Transfer
MUPS Machine Wise Items Categories Group
Print Out Export Performa of P.O
Print Out Export Cost Sheets
New Po. Detail
Export Delivery Required Date to Date
Print Out Export of P.O
Export Open P.O. Lock Unlock System
Export Sale
Post Cost
Export Ordered & Shipped Detail
New Export Contract List
Cost Sheet Iron Charges List
Unlocked POs List with date filter
Export Invoice and Cost Sheets Freight

5: Programs Packing, Processing, Stitching (Module)

Menu Options
Processing Instructions
Packing Program
Fabric Packing List (One)
Rolling Packing List
Fabric Packing List (Two)
Color Codes
Color Shade Codes
Grey Order Design Codes
Purchase Order Type Codes
Currency Codes
Country Codes
Process Codes
Sub Process Codes
Color References
Blend Codes
Stitching Program List
Processing Program List
Stitching Program List Article Wise
Stitching Plan
Stitching Plan Report
Process Program Detail
Port Destination Codes
Stitching Order Program
Export Items Article Name
Cloth construction codes
AB Export Made Ups Items Name
Processing Standards
Process Program
Packing Program List
Stitching Program List2
Monthly Container wise breakdown / Planning Sheet 
stitching program edit
Stitching program Print Out (rate)
Stitching program Print Out
List of Processing Bill Charges
Stitching Plan 2

6: Stocks Processed Fabric on Rolling+ Godown (warehouse)

Menu Options
Rolling Daily Packing Report Print Out.
Rolling Opening Stock Report
Rolling Opening Stock Form
Rolling Packing Charges Bill
Fabric Waste Closing Stock Qty with values
Processed Stock Receivable after Finalized Bill
Change Location for Fabric Godown Stock
Processing B.Grade Report
Fabric Wast Closing Stock at Processing (Partially)
Shipped Processed Cloth from processing Parties
Vehicles In (from Processing) / Out (grey Dispatch)
Transfer from Processing Party to Party
Transfer PO to PO Processed Stock in Shoaib Godown
Transfer PO to PO Processed Stock in Rollin Godown
Order Closing Report
Rolling Opening Stock with Value
InWard from processing Parties
Fabric Godowns Outward ( Others Inward)
Daily Rolling in / Out Report
Fabric Godowns Opening Balance
Processing Parties Closing Ledger Report
Fabric Opening, Closing & Ledger Report
Rolling Outward Entry Form
Quality Construction codes
Processing Parties Closing Stock Quality wise
Processing Parties Grey Stock with Value
Rolling Stock Moved to Small State
Fabric store Stock Packing
Add manual rates for Grey, Fabric, Rolling
Fabric Report PO Required / Received /Out and Balance
Daily Inwards in Fabric Godown
Daily Outward from Fabric Godown
Po to Po transfer in Processing Unit
Rolling Daily In / Out / Gain and Loss
Processing Bill
Waste Sale Bills during Process
Rolling Stock with value
Rolling Stock Ledger Activity Report with value
Fabric Stock with value
Fabric Stock Ledger Activity with value
Fabric Complete Waste Stock
Waste Stock Ledger activity
Fabric Waste Closing Activity Ledger at Parties
Fabric Waste Closing Qty at Processing Parties
Waste Received from Processing Parties
Processing Parties Opening Balance Form
Processing Parties Opening Balance Report
Processing Parties Closing Stock Detail Report
Processing Parties Closing Stock Report
Rolling Closing Stock Ledger Report
Rolling Closing Stock Report
Rolling Packing Entry Form
Change Location for Rolling Godown Stock
Waste Inward from processing Parties
Mended Transfer Before Gate Pass
Fabric Katotee Purchee Status
Processing Bills Detail
Processing Bill which have not vouchers
Rolling Stock Label Print Out
Add manual rates for Cut Pieces & Stitched Pieces
Daily Fabric In / Out from Processing Parties

7: Management Reports (Module)

Menu Options
Monthly Container-wise breakdown / Planning Sheet 
Export Performa Invoice
Fabric Opening, Closing & Ledger Report
Export Sale Summary in Currency and Party-wise
Ledger Activity Report Date Range
Fabric Pending Booking Report
Yarn Remain-Pending-Stock 
Receivable Fabric Balance against Order & Open

8: OT (Module)

 Menu Options
P.O Detail for OT Parties

9: GL (Module)

 Menu Options
Balance Sheets & PL Report Attributes
BS Heads for Chart of Accounts
Level Sequence for Chart of Accounts
GL Vouchers
Voucher Types
GL Opening Balances
Ledger Activity with Date/Contract Range
Chart of Accounts with Option of Opening Balances
Daily Voucher Edit List
Party ledger Activity Report
Voucher Printing Report
Closing Balance Report
Trial Balances Report
Ledger Activity Report Contract Wise
Voucher Balance Error
Processing Bills for Permanent
Detail of Taxable payments
Export Debtors Receiving’s Form
Daily Bank Payments Report Party Type Group
Type Cheque Title
Cheque Printing Report
Detail of Bank Payments
A/c Code Party Ledger Activity Report
Fabric Rate
Post Dated Cheque Detail
Berhotee Income
Tax Section Codes
Parties Payments Monthwise
Voucher Search Form
Monthwise expences comparision
Comparison Slots Date setting
Contract Wise Party Report
Bank Statement
Convertion Party Ledger Activity Contract wise
Bank Names
Bank Detail
Parties Bank Detail
Petty Cash Book
Chart of Accounts Coding
All Transaction Migration from One GL to Other GL

10: Store Stock and Spares (Module)

Store Stock and Spares Store Main Codes
Store Sub-Item Codes
Store Detail Item Code
Store Item Opening Balance
Store Demand
Store Purchase evaluation
Store Issue
Store Issue Departments
Store Purchase Return
Store Pending Demand List
Store Item Stock PO Wise
Store Item Issue Register Item wise (Detail)
Store Item Issue Register Item wise (Summary)
Store Department Issue Register (Detail)
Store Department Issue Register (Summary)
Store Item Purchase Register (Summary)
Store Sales
Store Sub Department Issue Register (Detail)
Store Sub Department Issue Register (Summary)
Store items demand List
Store department code list
Store Item codes list with stock
Sub Department codes
Store Item Purchase Register (Detail)
Last Purchase Price List
A.B.Sub-Department code List
Store Issue Return
Item Receipt Status against Demands
Export P.O.’s Accessries Requirement Detail
Store Issue Document Quantitative
Store Repaire
Detail Codes Property (Minimum,Maximum Order Level
Items List ( Minus Qty & Value)
Store Purchase Return Register Detail
Store Purchase Return Register Summary
Store Issue Return Register Detail
Store Issue Return Register Summary
Store Sales Register Summary
Store Sales Register Detail
Opeing Pur. Issues and Sales Summary (Todate)
Opeing Pur. Issues and Sales Summary (Date Range)
Store Item Activity Ledger
Store Item Activity Ledger (Quantitative)
All Store Transaction Migration from One code
Store Consumption Calculation form
Store Demand Selected Items Print OUt
Accessries Order / receipt / Used Activity
Store Purchase Temporary to Permanent for GL
A.B. Employees for Issued stock
Factory Outward Gate Pass
Store Item Received in Store
Factory Inward Gate Pass

11: Stocks Processed Fabric on Rolling+Warehouse(Godown) (Module)

Fabric Report PO Required / Received /Out and Balance
Daily Inwards in Fabric Godown
Daily Outward from Fabric Godown
Po to Po transfer in Processing Unit
Rolling Daily In / Out / Gain and Loss
Processing Bill
Waste Sale Bills during Process
Rolling Stock with value
Rolling Stock Ledger Activity Report with value
Fabric Stock with value
Fabric Stock Ledger Activity with value
Fabric Complete Waste Stock
Waste Stock Ledger activity
Fabric Waste Closing Activity Ledger at Parties
Fabric Waste Closing Qty at Processing Parties
Waste Received from Processing Parties
Rolling Packing Entry Form
Rolling Daily Packing Report Print Out.
Rolling Opening Stock Report
Rolling Opening Stock Form
Rolling Packing Charges Bill
Fabric Waste Closing Stock Qty with values
Processed Stock Receivable after Finalized Bill
Change Location for Fabric Godown Stock
Processing B.Grade Report
Fabric Waste Closing Stock at Processing (Partially
Shipped Processed Cloth from processing Parties
Vehicles In (from Processing) / Out (grey Dispatch
Transfer from Processing Party to Party
Transfer PO to PO Processed Stock in Shoaib Godown
Transfer PO to PO Processed Stock in Rollin Godown
Processing Parties Opening Balance Form
Processing Parties Opening Balance Report
Processing Parties Closing Stock Detail Report
Processing Parties Closing Stock Report
Rolling Closing Stock Ledger Report
Rolling Closing Stock Report
Rolling Opening Stock with Value
Inward from processing Parties
Fabric Godowns Outward ( Others Inward)
Daily Rolling in / Out Report
Fabric Godowns Opening Balance
Processing Parties Closing Ledger Report
Fabric Opening, Closing & Ledger Report
Rolling Outward Entry Form
Quality Construction codes
Processing Parties Closing Stock Quality wise
Processing Parties Grey Stock with Value
Rolling Stock Moved to Small State
Fabric store Stock Packing
Add manual rates for Grey, Fabric, Rolling
Change Location for Rolling Godown Stock
Waste Inward from processing Parties
Mended Transfer Before Gate Pass
Fabric Katotee Purchee Status
Processing Bills Detail
Processing Bill which have not vouchers
Rolling Stock Label PrintOut
Add manual rates for Cut Pieces & Stitched Pieces
Daily Fabric In / Out from Processing Parties

12: Cutting Production & issued to Stitching (Module)

Cutting Production & issued to Stitching
Cutt Piece Detail against required
Cutting Production Issued to Stitching
Cutting depat received fabric from godown
Daily Cutting In / Out /Issued Report
Fabric CutPiece Stock in Cutting Department
Fabric CutPiece Ledger of Cutting Department
Fabric Closing Stock Rec – Used in Cutting
Daily Cutting Production Issued to Stitching
Fabric Ledger Rec – Used in Cutting Depart
Order Closing Report
Cutting Production
Daily Cutting Production
Fabric Used in Cutting Department
Cutting Production Return from Stitching
Order Closing Report In Cutting Depart

13: Stitching Production / Packing / Shipping (Module)

Stitched Pieces Production Summary
Packing Production
Stitching production
InWards from Cutting to Stitching Department
P.O. Ledger Activity in Stitching Department
Production Detail against Requirement.
Stitched Production Date to Date / Po to Po
Daily Stitched Production / Packing / Shipped
All Stitched Production / Packing / Shipped
Cut Pieces Closing Stock
Packed Production Date to Date / Po to Po
Shipping Production Date to Date / Po to Po
Stitched UnPacked Pieces Closing Stock
Shipping Detail
MadeUps O.W. Document Detail
Stitching Plane
Final Order Closing Report
Lost Pieces during stitching production
Gain Short fabric during stitching production
Cut Pices Stitched Packed & UnPacked Stock
Access Yes/No for Stitching Stock Value
Stitching Rejection
Stitching Shipped Production return
Stitching Bill
Stitching programe Edit Form
P.O Status After Dispatch for Processing for MUPs
Stitching InWard Gate Pass
Stitched Shipment Detail with Gate Pass
Stitched Packed Pieces Closing Stock
Stitching Waste Outward
Stitching Cutting Packing Shipment Production Edit

14: CMT Accessories Operations & Items Production (Module)

CMT ITEM Fabric Stock and Ledger
Accessries & Item Operation Codes
CMT Accessries Stock & Activity Legder
CMT Item Stitching Order
Item Accessries Issuing
Item Accessries Receiving
Accessries & Item Codes
CMT MUPS Items order
CMT-ITEM Stitched Pieces Production Summary
CMT-ITEM InWards from Cutting to Stitching Depart
CMT-ITEM P.O. Ledger Activity in Stitching Depart
CMT-ITEM Production Detail against Requirement.
CMT-ITEM Stitched Production Date to Date / Po to
CMT-ITEM Daily Stitched Production / Packing / Sh
CMT-ITEM All Stitched Production / Packing / Ship
CMT-ITEM Cut Pieces Closing Stock
CMT-ITEM Packed Production Date to Date / Po to P
CMT-ITEM Shipping Production Date to Date / Po to
CMT-ITEM Stitched UnPacked Pieces Closing Stock
CMT-ITEM Stitching Bill
CMT-ITEM P.O Status After Dispatch for Processing
CMT-ITEM Stitched Shipment Detail with Gate Pass
CMT-ITEM Stitched Packed Pieces Closing Stock
CMT Cutt Piece Detail against required
CMT Cutting depat received fabric from godown
CMT Daily Cutting In / Out /Issued Report
CMT Fabric CutPiece Stock in Cutting Department
CMT Fabric CutPiece Ledger of Cutting Department
CMT Fabric Closing Stock Rec – Used in Cutting
CMT Daily Cutting Production Issued to Stitching
CMT Fabric Ledger Rec – Used in Cutting Depart
CMT Order Closing Report
CMT Daily Cutting Production
CMT Order Closing Report In Cutting Depart
CMT-ITEM Stitching Wastage Outward
Item Accessries Operation Contract
CMT-ITEM Stitching Party Bill
CMT ITEM Fabric Inward for CMT MUPS Items
CMT ITEM stitching Production
CMT ITEM stitching Packing
CMT ITEM Shipping Outward
CMT ITEM Shipping Detail
CMT ITEM Production Rejection
CMT ITEM Shiped production Return to ABGodowns
CMT ITEMS Lost Production
CMT ITEM Fabric Out to Cutting

15: Sizing Productions (Module)

Yarn Received Document List
Chemicals Issuing to Set
Sizing Challan
Outward Gate Pass Permanent
Cloth Construction Codes
Weave Quality Codes
Beam Stock and Ledger in Production
Yarn Issuing document
Yarn Issuing Return from Set to Stock Godown.
Sizing Program
Warping Program
Yarn Issue Set wise Count wise Party wise
Yarn Stocks & Rec Issue Returns Activity Report
Beams Stock and Ledger in A.B. Godown Party wise
Beam Issuing for Production
Yarn Brand Codes
Beam Return to Party
Beam Receiving Document
Beams Party Stock and Ledger
Yarn Cotton / Polyester Mixing Codes
Yarn Cotton / Polyester Blend Codes
Yarn Receiving document
Yarn Receiving Return document
Sizing Contract
Yarn Count Codes
Yarn Looms Quality Codes
Production Report

16: Purchase-Consumption Raw Material Store Spares (Module)

Store Item Activity Ledger
Store Purchase Permanent Form
Store Main Codes
Store Sub-Item Codes
Store Detail Item Code
Store Item Opening Balance
Store Demand
Store Purchase Valuation
Store Issue
Store Issue Departments
Store Purchase Return
Store Pending Demand List
Store Item Stock PO Wise
Store Item Issue Register Item wise (Detail)
Store Item Issue Register Item wise (Summary)
Store Department Issue Register (Detail)
Store Department Issue Register (Summary)
Store Item Purchase Register (Summary)
Store Sales
Store Sub Department Issue Register (Detail)
Store Sub Department Issue Register (Summary)
Store items demand List
Store department code list
Store Item codes list with stock
Sub Department codes
Store Item Purchase Register (Detail)
Last Purchase Price List
Sub-Department code List
Store Issue Return
Item Receipt Status against Demands
Export P.O.’s Accessories Requirement Detail
Store Issue Document Quantitative
Store Repair
Detail Codes Property (Minimum, Maximum Order Level )
Items List ( Minus Qty & Value)
Store Purchase Return Register Detail
Store Purchase Return Register Summary
Store Issue Return Register Detail
Store Issue Return Register Summary
Store Sales Register Summary
Store Sales Register Detail
Opening Purchase. Issues and Sales Summary (Todate)
Opening Purchase. Issues and Sales Summary (Date Range)
A.B. Employees for Issued stock
Factory Outward Gate Pass
Store Item Received in Store
Factory Inward Gate Pass
Factory INOUT Item Ledger & Stock
Store Item Activity Ledger (Quantitative)

17: Weaved Fabric Production (Module)

Yarn received Return Document
Quality Wise Yarn Closing Stock
Beam Returns from Looms
Knotting Program Report
Conversion Bill
Comming and Beam Stock Report
Loom Comming Report
Sizing Shrinkage report
Sizing Set Shrinkage Report
Yarn received Document
Sizing Program receiving Report
Yarn Issue From Sizing Set
Rewind Production
Daily Weave Fabric Production
Yarn Sale
Conversion Contract Status
Weaved Fabric Stock Report Quality Wise
Yarn Received
Weaved Fabric Stock Report Conversion Cont. Wise
Weaved Fabric In/Out Activity Ledger
Sizing Program
Weft Yarn Issued Loom wise
Cone Production Rewind
Yarn Transfer
Production Report
Mixing Codes (PC CTN)
Blend Codes (52:48)
Yarn Quality Codes (crd,comb)
Fabric Process (grey Died)
Looms Quality Codes (Air Jet)
Cloth Construction Code (24/24-68X62-71)
Weave Codes ( TWILL 2/2)
Selvidge codes (Tuckin – Plain Selvedge)
Thread Color Codes (Kelay Green – Butter Cup)
Production Report with value
Yarn Issued Detail Loom & Quality wise
Yarn Brands
Yarn Consumption Report
Beam on Floor (beam Stock)
Beam Returns Report
Yarn Contract Transfer
Weaved Fabric Stock Report with value
Yarn Consumption Report
Contract Status (Fabric )
Sizing Set Received
knotting Program
yarn Returned
Yarn Issue to Sizing & Looms
Yarn Ledger In/Out Activity Ledger
Beam In/Out Activity Report

18:Fabric Module

Conversion contract detail for Folding department
Fabric Sale (Outward gate Pass) LIST
Fabric Sale Return (InWard Gate Pass)
A.B.W. Convertion Sales Contract
A.B. Convertion Sales Contract
Fabric Sale (Outward gate Pass)
Pukee Purchee (REJECTION)
Fabric Godown Parties

19: HR Module

Employee Data Salary
Employee Raw Attendance
Employee Daily Leaves Records
Permanent Out Duty of Employees
Employee Leave Allow Department wise
Employee . Monthly Salary Report. Summary
Employee . Departments Code
Employee . Data
Employee . Monthly Salary Calculator
Employee . Leave Type codes
Employee . Leaves Record
Production incharge in / Out
Employee Gratuity Paid List with Month Range
Monthly Income Tax deducted list
Emp. Monthly Gratuity Report
Emp. Short Leaves
Emp. Dum. Monthly Salary Sheet
Emp. Advances which are not deductions
Emp. Section Codes
Emp. Daily Manual Attendance (For Approval)
Emp. Daily In/Out with Time Calculation
Emp. Advance Ledger against Vehicles
Emp. Designations Code
Emp. Raw Scanned Data
Bank Letter Salary Transfer Request
Emp. Opening Balance of Gratuity
Emp. Leaves Ledger
Emp. Advance Ledger
Emp. Gratuity Ledger
Emp. Monthly Leaves Records
Emp. Monthly Advance Deducted Installments
Monthly Emp. Advance Amount with Deduction
Telephone directory
Emp. Detail Bio Data with Address & Department
Emp. Cards Print Out
Emp. Monthly Salary Calendar
Emp. Monthly Salary Report.
Emp. List Name-Section-Designation-Shift
Emp. Approved Strength
Shift Code Detail
Emp. In/Out Stamp Ledger with Date Range
Emp. Advance Type Codes
Shift Codes
Advance Detail for Eligible for new Advance or Not
Over Time Report
Employee Manual Bonus Added
Manual Attendance for Out Duty Employees
Employee Increment List Report
Employee Bonus Calcalender
Bank Letter for Bonus Transfer
Bonus Detail Sheet
Bonus Cash/Bank Summary Sheet
Employee Bonus Calculator
Leave Encashment Calculation
Leave Encashment Calendar
Bank Letter Leave Encashment
Leave Encashment Cash/Bank Summary Sheet
Leave Encashment Compensation
Emp. Monthly Gratuity Balances
Bonus Summary Sheet
Employees List
Employee Over Time
Machine In/Out Behavior
Employees Attendance Employees Shifts
Employee Calculated Attendance
Employee Week End Days
Employee Gazette Holidays in A.B
Shift Code List
Employee Shifts Detail Report
Gazette Holidays
Employee Advance Rec.
List of Employees whose Salary is below
Employee Gratuity Paid
Emp. Weekly Rest Day
Emp. Paid Advances
Monthly In Out Dash Board
Employee Salary Slip
Cash & Cheque Payments Sheet

20: Management Reports (Module)

Fabric Opening, Closing & Ledger Report
Export Performa Invoice
Monthly Containerwise breakdown / Planing Sheet f
Receiveable Fabric Balance against Order & Open
Yarn Remain-Pending-Stock etc
Fabric Pending Booking Report
Ledger Activity Report Date Range
Export Sale Summary in Currency and Party wise

21: HR Contractors (Module)

Employee In / Out Ledger
Employee Salary Data
Employee Data
Department Name
Designation Codes
Employee Shift Codes
Shift Codes
Emp. Detail Bio Data with Address & Department
Employee Card Print Out
Employee In / Out Summery & Detail Report
Attendance Raw Data
Attendance Calculated Data